Based in Geneva, think ahead is a research organization that specialises in the analysis of aid policy and practice. It carries out studies in the area of humanitarian action and development, focusing on situations of conflict, natural disaster, social inequality and injustice.
Through knowledge transfer, it makes topical debates and reflections accessible to aid organisations and professionals. By informing the strategies, operations and programme implementation of international stakeholders, it helps them address contemporary global challenges.
© Annayu Maharani / CC BY-SA 4.0

think ahead’s core objective is to engage with and contribute to emerging debates in the aid sector, drawing attention to highly topical issues in the delivery of humanitarian and development assistance.
Our research reflects on state-of-the-art academic knowledge, but is also targeted to promote discussion with a broader audience of analysts and practitioners from the public, private and NGO sector, international aid agencies and civil society.
Our theoretical approaches are voted to interdisciplinarity, and rest on a multi-layered analysis of the socio-cultural, economic and political dynamics that define international aid and the contexts of intervention.
In our methodologies, we privilege a first-hand assessment of the international aid system, building on the long-term field experience of our researchers and the broad geographic foci of their cumulative expertise.
Researching aid entails an urge for reflection before action, and for a deeper empirical and theoretical understanding of humanitarian and development assistance.
In French: penser l’action humanitaire et l’aide au développement = think ahead.
© Jose Berengueres / CC BY-SA 4.0
Technical Assistance
Beside its core research objectives, think ahead provides technical assistance and advice to local and international partners. Through its internal capacities and an expanding network of highly trained researchers, it disseminates cutting-edge knowledge to inform humanitarian and development policy. Its specialization comprises critical domains of theory and practice, such as conflict, natural disasters, climate change, migration, social and economic development, human rights and protection, peacebuilding and security, governance and statebuilding, agriculture, livelihoods and food security, gender equality, health, education.
Our technical advice is organized around four main focal areas: applied research and reporting; review of programs; mid-term and final evaluations; and research capacity building.
At think ahead, we understand our partnerships not only as a means to support and influence high-stakes decision making, but also as a process of growth and learning. We engage with the latest developments in policy, observe real-time situations in the contexts of intervention, and learn from the dilemmas that many aid professionals face in their everyday work.